Automated production technologies for mRNA-based drugs

Modules for Continuous Formulation of Lipid-Nanoparticles (LNPs) and other Nanocarrier

Micromixing formulation module

  • Micromixer modules for different development stages from screening to production scale (1 ml to 100 l) without parallelization
  • In House Manufacturing of micromixers in stainless steel
  • HPLC connectors or triclamp pharmaceutical connectors
  • Consulting for and Design of customized mixing-modules and formulation set-ups

Process Analytical Technology (PAT)-Module

  • Flow-Dynamic Light Scattering (Flow-DLS)
  • Determination of average hydrodynamic particle size during different process steps
  • Adjustable flow cell with inner volumes from Microliter to Milliliter range
  • Flow rates up to 200 ml/min with current lab scale flow cell (cell volume 30 ml) feasible
  • Autocalibration to different particle sizes, concentrations and flow velocities
Microfabrication of a caterpillar micromixer structure in stainless steel realizing a split-and-recombine mixing profile in continuous formulation of lipid nanoparticles.
GMP capable micro mixer with triclamp pharma connectors.
Internal laserbeam for continuous monitoring of lipid nanoparticle manufactring.
Online DLS-Analtic Modul (exterior housing).

Industrial collaboration & partnering

  • Design, construction and manufacturing of prototypes
  • Customized building of formulation and analytic modules for lipid nanoparticle screening and production
  • Technology transfer and licensing


  • “Microfluidic Liposome Production”: Method and device for producing a liquid containing liposomes, and produced liquid, DE, EP, CN, IL and US Patent Applications, 19.11.2019
  • “Dynamic Light Scattering on Flowing Dispersions”: Method for determining the average particle size of particles which are suspended in a liquid and flowing medium, by means of dynamic light scattering, and a device therefore. DE, EP, CN and US-Patent, 04.07.2016