Department of Preclinical Development and Validation

Jörg Lehmann

Dr. rer. nat.
Head of Department of Preclinical Development and Validation, Head of GLP test facility

  • Education / training

    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    Diploma in Biology (equivalent to M.Sc.)
    B-cell stimulation, immunotoxins

    Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Aerosol Research, Hannover and University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.)
    T-cell regulation in Leishmania donovani infection (Th1/Th2)

    German Society of Immunology (DGfI), Lübeck
    Fachimmunologe DGfI (Consultant Immunologist, German Society of Immunology, DGfI)
    Immunity to infection (Th1/Th2),  Immunotoxicology /  Immunopharmacology,  Experimental Rheumatology, Monoclonal Antibodies

    Recent research activities

    • Immunity to Salmonella enterica
    • Arylhydrocarbon receptor research – Immunotoxicology and therapy development
    • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease – models and therapy development
    • Immune oncology – models and development of therapeutic antibodies
    • Development of GLP-conform testing strategies for ATMPs, medical devices and combined ATMPs

    Positions and honors

    Arno Wetzel Award for best Diploma Thesis, University of Leipzig

    Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Aerosol Research ITA, Hannover / University of Leipzig, PhD student (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marie-Luise Lohmann-Matthes, Fraunhofer ITA; Prof. Dr. Karl Drößler, University of Leipzig)

    University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty, Institute for Clinical Immunology and Transfusion Medicine (Head: Prof. Dr. Frank Emmrich), Postdoc

    University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School of Dallas, Cancer Immunobiology Center, TX, USA, Research visit, Postdoctoral work with Prof. Dr. Nancy Street

    University of Leipzig, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Immunology (Head: Prof. Dr. Gottfried Alber), Scientific Assistant/Assistant Lecturer in Veterinary Immunology

    University of Cambridge, UK, Research visit, Collaboration with Dr. Pietro Mastroeni and Dr. Duncan Maskell

    Labor Diagnostik GmbH Leipzig (SME) / Priontype GmbH&Co. KG (SME), Leipzig, Head of Research & Development / Dept. Immunology

    Northern Ireland Government, Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Development, Research visit, Collaboration with Dr. Alastair Douglas

    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI, Leipzig,

    Head of Cell Engineering/GLP unit

    Deputy Head of Department Cell Engineering

    Head of GLP test facility

    Head of Department Therapy Validation

    Head of Manufacturing GMP Therapeutic Antibodies

    Deputy Head of Manufacturing GMP Therapeutic Antibodies

    Head of Manufacturing GMP Biopharmaceuticals

    Head of Department Preclinical Development and Validation

    Assistant Lecturer in Immunology for Pharmacists, University of Leipzig, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pharmacy, and Psychology; since 2018: Medical Faculty

    Assistant Lecturer in Good Laboratory Practice, post-gradual M.Sc. program „Clinical research and translational medicine“, University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty

    Assistant Lecturer in Immunotoxicology, post-gradual M.Sc. program „Toxikologie und Umweltschutz“ / Modul „Immuntoxikologie “, University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty

    Memberships / societies

    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie e.V., DGfI
    • Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde e.V. Society of Laboratory Animal Science, GV-SOLAS
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Toxikologie e.V. (GT)
    • Deutsche Gesellschaft für experimentelle und klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT)
    • German QP Association


    • Lehmann J, Emmrich F, Sack U. Autonomously growing, invasive fibroblast-derived cell line. EP-Patent, Pat.-Nr. 00 11 1698.7-2116
    • Engemann C, Hoeschler K, Lehmann J, Gabert J. Procedure for enrichment and detection of variant prion proteins (PrPSc). German Patent, Pat.-Nr. 102 30 141.7
    • Engemann C, Hoeschler K, Lehmann J, Gabert J, Krummrei U. Procedure for enrichment and detection of pathological altered prion proteins (PrPSc). PCT-Patent, PCT/DE03/02249
    • Engemann C, Krummrei U, Lehmann J. Procedure for preparation of body fluids as a prerequisite for detection of pathological altered prion proteins (PrPSc). German Patent, Pat.-Nr. 103 54 207.8
    • Lehmann J, Zoldan K. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Überwachung des Gesundheitszustands von Milchkühen. German Patent-Anmeldung, Pat.-Nr. F30787DE; PCT-Anmeldung, PCT F30787WO; Internationale Anmeldung PCT/EP2016/063109, WO 2016/198501 A1
    • Ueberham E, Havenith H, Spiegel H, Schillberg S, Lehmann J. Means and methods for detecting soy allergens. German Patent application, Pat.-Nr. 10 2018 217 447.4, PCT-Anmeldung/EP2019/077598

Stefan Kalkhof

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Head of Proteomics Unit, Deputy Head of Department of Preclinical Development and Validation

Stefan Kalkhof
© Fraunhofer IZI
  • Education / training

    University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    Diploma in Chemistry (equivalent to M.Sc.)
    Protein-Ligand Interaction with Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry

    University of Halle, Halle, Germany / Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA
    Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D.)
    Investigation of the Laminin self-interaction by chemical cross-linking, mass spectrometry, and computational modelling

    Recent research activities

    • Development and application of LC-MS based proteomics techniques (protein quantification, protein-protein-interaction, protein-small molecule interaction, PTMs)
    • Testing and optimization of biomaterials for clinical application (cell interaction, drug release, biodegradation)
    • Elucidation of disease mechanism and drug response (wound healing, kidney diseases)

    Positions and honors

    Since 2021
    Deputy Head of the Department of Preclinical Development and Validation, Fraunhofer IZI, Leipzig

    Since 2021
    Spokesman of the research priority program of the HAW Coburg, “Analyzing and Promoting Health”

    Since 2017
    Director of the Institute for Bioanalytics, HAW Coburg,

    Since 2016
    Research Professor for Instrumental Bioanalytics, HAW Coburg,

    Since 2016
    Head of the Fraunhofer Unit “Proteomics”, Fraunhofer IZI

    Since 2015
    Professor for Instrumental Bioanalysis, Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Health, HAW Coburg

    "Science Award" of Bayer Bitterfeld GmbH

    Head of the research group "Mass Spectrometry", Department of Proteomics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Leipzig

    PhD thesis at the Chair of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Institute of Pharmacy, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Sinz

    Research stay at Vanderbilt University, Center for Structural Biology, Nashville, USA, Research Group Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler

    Diploma thesis in the junior research group "Protein-Ligand Interaction with Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry" at the Faculty of Biochemistry, University of Leipzig

    Research stay, project “investigation of drug encapsulation using secondary ion mass spectrometry”, University of Antwerp, Belgium, research group Prof. Dr. L. van Vaeck

    Internship, Bayer AG, Central Research, Leverkusen

    Memberships / societies

    • Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker eV
    • German Society for Mass Spectrometry DGMS
    • American Society for Mass Spectrometry
    • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society
    • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Sina Riemschneider

Dr. rer. nat.
Head of Toxicology and Immunotoxicology Unit

Sina Riemschneider
© Fraunhofer IZI
  • Education / training

    Fraunhofer Institute of Cell Therapy and Immunology and University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    Dr. rer. nat.
    Immunomodulating effects of aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands

    Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany
    Biology - Master of Science
    Effects of benzo(a)pyrene on activation process of murine macrophages

    Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany
    Biology - Bachelor of Science 
    Molecular basics of cadmium and formaldehyde detoxification in E. coli 

    Recent research activities

    • Study director for GLP-compliant studies for different test items like ATMPs
    • Arylhydrocarbon receptor research – Immunotoxicology and therapy development
    • Chronic inflammatory bowel disease – models and therapy development

    Positions and honors

    2021 – date
    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Head of Toxicology and Immunotoxicology Unit

    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Head of Preclinical Models Unit

    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Deputy Head of Preclinical Models Unit

    2018 – date
    Assistant Lecturer in preclinical models, post-gradual M.Sc. program "Clinical research and translational medicine", University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty

    Assistant Lecturer in Immunotoxicology, post-gradual M.Sc. program "Toxikologie und Umweltschutz" / Modul "Immuntoxikologie", University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty

    2017 – date
    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Study director of the GLP test facility

    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Department of Preclinical Development and Validation, PhD program

    Memberships / societies

    • German Society for Immunology


Anke Hoffmann

Dr. med. vet.
Deputy Head of Toxicology and Immunotoxicology Unit

  • Education / training

    University of Leipzig, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
    Specialist in Veterinary Anatomy
    Theoretical and practical training to become a specialist in Veterinary Anatomy

    University of Leipzig, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology
    Dr. med. vet. (DVM)
    Neuroanatomical research, immunohistochemical methods, light and electron microscopy

    Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
    Curriculum of Veterinary Medicine

    Recent GLP study activities

    • Conducting the pathohistologic study phase of preclinical studies to demonstrate safety and efficacy or to exclude immunotoxicologic effects under GLP conditions in short- and long-term studies
    • Pathohistologic studies on systemic and local side effects of various test items such as biodegradable polycaprolactone scaffolds, therapeutic HBV vaccines, ATMPs, drug-coupled nanoparticles
    • Routine staining and immunohistochemical studies
    • Toxicopathological section evaluations and quantifications using image analysis software programs

    Positions and honors

    Assistant Lecturer in Immunotoxicology, post-gradual M.Sc. program "Toxikologie und Umweltschutz"/ Modul "Immuntoxikologie", University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty

    2019 – to date
    Assistant Lecturer M.Sc. program "Bioanalytik", Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Health at Coburg University of Applied Sciences

    2018 – to date
    Assistant Lecturer Modul "Biologicals – Von der Entwicklung zur Anwendung", M.Sc. program "Pharmazeutische Biotechnologie", Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Zittau-Görlitz

    2017 – to date
    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI Leipzig (Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrike Koehl), Department of Preclinical Development and Validation (Head: Dr. Joerg Lehmann), Deputy Head of Toxicology and Immunotoxicology and Scientific Assistant

    Vita 34 AG, Leipzig, Head of the Research and Development group, Referee

    University of Leipzig, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (Head of Institute of Histology and Embryology: Prof. Dr. Johannes Seeger), Scientific Assistant

    GenPat77 Pharmacogenetics AG, Berlin (Head: Prof. Dr. Nalân Utku), Scientific Assistant


Claudia Müller

M. Sc.
Head of Inflammation and Tumor Models Unit

Claudia Müller
© Fraunhofer IZI
  • Education / training

    Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg, University of Applied Sciences, Germany
    Biotechnology - Bachelor of Science
    Hybrid pig versus Göttingen minipig-derived cartilage and chondrocytes show pig line-dependent differences 

    Charite University Medicine Berlin, Germany
    Toxicology - Master of Science
    Establishment of an in vitro assay for the detection of cytokine production in activated T cells

    Recent research activities

    • Tumor – models and therapy development
    • Humanized immune system mouse model
    • Antibody development
    • Study director for GLP-compliant studies for ATMPs and combined ATMPs

    Positions and honors

    Since 2015
    PhD program at Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig Department of Preclinical Development and Validation

    2017 – date
    Study director of the GLP test facility

    2021 – date
    Head of the working group "Inflammation and Tumor Models" at Fraunhofer IZI, Department of Preclinical Development and Validation

    2018 – date
    Assistant Lecturer in preclinical models, post-gradual M.Sc. program „Clinical research and translational medicine“, University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty

    2018 – date
    Assistant Lecture in preclinical models, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Master's Degree, Hochschule Görlitz/Zittau

    Awards and activities

    2015 – 2017
    Fraunhofer Career Development Program “Talenta” of Fraunhofer

    Publication Award 2017 (Fraunhofer IZI; Science Day)


Johannes Schmidt

Dr. rer. nat.
Deputy Head of Proteomics Unit

  • Education / training

    Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ and University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
    Dr. rer. nat.
    Molecular effects of GAG-modified scaffolds in bone regeneration

    University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
    Microbiology and Biochemistry - Master of Science
    Proteomics methods in the analysis of preclinical samples

    University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
    Bio Sciences - Bachelor of Science 
    Mass spectrometry-based methods in the quantification of Rituximab in patients plasma 

    Recent research activities

    • Development and testing of functionalized scaffolds for clinical application in bone regeneration
    • Method development for proteomics analysis of preclinical and clinical samples 

    Positions and honors

    2019 – date
    Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology (IZI), Leipzig, Deputy Head of Proteomics Unit

    Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Molecular Systems Biology

    Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Leipzig, PhD candidate in the Department of Proteomics
    Department of Preclinical Development and Validation, PhD program

    Memberships / societies

    • American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS)


Associated staff

Attila Tárnok

Prof. Dr. 
Associated employee Department of Preclinical Development and Validation