World Conference on Regenerative Medicine strengthens international relations with California
On the occasion of the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine, Senator Arthur D. Torres (ret.) talks about his experiences at the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) and the accompanying processes of translating potential therapies from research into clinical practice.
At the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine, held from November 2 to 4, 2011, about 1,000 researchers, medical practitioners and entrepreneurs will exchange information on the most recent findings in the field of Regenerative Medicine. Regenerative Medicine is described as one of the decisive technologies of the future. Its aim is the development of innovative therapies for healing or replacing dysfunctional tissues and organs. This can be done, for instance, by means of stem cells, cultivated tissue (tissue engineering) or the stimulation of the body's own regeneration mechanisms. Research in the context of Regenerative Medicine is thus very interdisciplinary and ranges from molecular fundamentals over cell biology and immunology right down to biomaterials and transplant medicine. "Conferences like this become more and more important in such a rapidly growing and interdisciplinary research area", Federal Minister Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan emphasizes the significance of the Conference.
The Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF = Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) recognized the need for research very early and since 1999 has provided more than 60 million Euros for this field of research, which has contributed to the fact that Germany was able to acquire an international top position. Since 2009, international cooperation in the field of Regenerative Medicine has experienced new and strong input. Within the framework of an intense cooperation, the CIRM and the BMBF support international joint research projects.
In the federal state of California, the governmental CIRM institute promotes the development of innovative therapies for the treatment of chronic diseases and severe injuries. The CIRM can draw on a total budget of three billion USD for the activities of Californian research facilities, with the funding priority on stem cell research projects.
On November 2, 2011, Senator Arthur D. Torres (ret.), vice chairman of the administrative board at the CIRM, will give the opening speech, thereby accepting the invitation extended by the organizers, the Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI and the Translational Center for Regenerative Medicine as well as by the technology consulting company SET Technology GmbH in Chemnitz and the Life Science Cluster Central Germany. "Senator Torres' visit substantiates the international relations between Germany and California and shows that the World Conference on Regenerative Medicine is becoming increasingly renowned on an international level", Prof. Dr. Frank Emmrich, initiator and president of the Conference, was happy to say.
Since 2007, the Life Science Cluster Central Germany promotes the transfer of scientific innovations into market-ready products and services. The initiative is jointly supported by organizers in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia and accompanies both entrepreneurs and scientists in the implementation of innovation processes. "Thanks to an extensive network with international sponsors and investors, we have become a reliable and respectable contact for founders and entrepreneurs from the biotechnology sector" said project manager Martin Pohle, describing the network's achievements. Based in Jena, the initiative offers a comprehensive portfolio of consulting services, covering aspects of the organization and financing of innovation processes as well as marketing consulting and business development issues.