Chemical analytics


ParoStop - Controlled Release-Drug Delivery Systems (CR-DDS) for innovative and selective drugs for treating bacterial infections of the periodontium


8/2/2021 – 30/4/2022

Project aim

Systematic examination of the drug release under regulatory preclinical conditions

  1. Characterisation of the formulation in terms of drug release with the help of LC-MS/MS mass spectroscopy
  2. Examination of drug release under regulatory preclinical conditions (GLP analytics)
  3. Examinations regarding the long-term stability of the formulations under regulatory preclinical conditions (GLP analytics)Projektleitung

Project management

Dr. Martin Kleinschmidt 

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Profiling of inhibitors of bacterial Glutaminyl cyclases as drug prototypes for novel periodontitis treatments

Partial project 1 – Preclinical profiling of drug candidates 



3/2/2022 – 31/12/2022

Project aim

Characterisation of drug prototypes for preclinical development

  1. Drug concentration determination using HPLC-MS/MS: Development of methods for selected compounds
  2. Initial characterisation of pharmacokinetic (ADME) parameters of selected compounds
  3. Bioavailability studies in rat animal models to determine substance-specific parameters (Cmax, tmax and AUC)

Project management

Dr. Martin Kleinschmidt 

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