Annual report 2023/24

Conventions and conferences

»The Product is the Process – Is it?« Manufacturing and Translation of ATMPs and Tissue- & Cell-based products
November 2023, Potsdam, Germany

1. Rostock Spring School of Neurodegenerative Diseases
March 2023, Rostock, Germany

10. MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2023
October 2023, Dresden, Germany

11th International Meeting of the Stem Cell network NRW
May 2023, Aachen, Germany

11th International mRNA Health Conference
October / November 2023, Berlin, Germany

15th Annual PEGS Europe Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit
November 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

16. Kongress für Infektionskrankheiten und Tropenmedizin
June 2023, Leipzig, Germany

16th Psychoimmunology Expert Meeting
March / April 2023, Reisensburg, Germany

17th International Congress on Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS 2023)
May 2023, Marseille, France

18. Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft
June 2023, Rostock, Germany

2023 International Advanced Drug Delivery Symposium
May 2023, Hsinchu, Taiwan

20th CIMT Annual Meeting
May 2023, Mainz, Germany

20th European Congress of Toxicologic Pathology
September 2023, Basel, Switzerland

21st International AEK Cancer Congress
February 2023, Kassel, Germany

22. Dresdner Symposium für Hämatologie und Onkologie
September 2023, Radebeul, Germany

25th Heart of Europe Bio-Crystallography Meeting
September 2023, Salem, Germany

26th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
May 2023, Los Angelos, USA

2nd Belgian Brain Barriers Symposium
November 2023, Leuven, Belgium

32. Jahreskonferenz der Gesellschaft für Virologie
March 2023, Ulm, Germany

32nd International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry
August 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands

38th Annual Meeting  of the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC 2023)
November 2023, San Diego, USA

3rd meeting of the Brazilian Science and Innovation Diaspora in Germany
March 2023, online

40th Winter School on Proteinases and Inhibitors
March 2023, Tiers, Italy

49th EBMT Annual Meeting
April 2023, Paris, France

49th ESAO and IFAO Congress (European Society of Artificial Organs)
August / September 2023, Bergamo, Italy

4th International Conference on Lymphocyte Engineering
September 2023, Munich, Germany

5th European CAR T-cell Meeting
February 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

60. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde GV-SOLAS und 21. Fortbildungsveranstaltung der IGTP
September 2023, Mainz, Germany

7. Life Sciences-Forum SACHSEN! »Digital Health«
September 2023, Hoyerswerda, Germany

7th Cell Therapy Symposium
November 2023, Heidelberg, Germany

7th French International Symposium on CAR T Cells (CAR T Day)
September 2023, Lille, France

8th European Congress of Virology 2023
May 2023, Gdansk, Poland

A Global Conference on Novel RSV Preventive and Therapeutic Interventions (RSVVW'23)
February 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

Abschlusskongress zum Themenjahr »Gesundheit« der Technologieallianz Oberfranken (TAO)
October 2023, Hof, Germany

Accelerating Innovation Across Cell Therapies, Viral Vectors, Oligonucleotides and mRNA Delivery
November 2023, online

Advanced Therapies Europe
September 2032, Estoril, Portugal

Advances in therapeutic applications of extracellular vesicles - Phase I
June 2023, Bordeaux, France

AI in Medicine: Bridging Bytes and Bedside
October 2023, Dresden, Germany

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC®)
July 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomaterials
September 2023, Jena, Germany

Basel Computational Biology Conference
September 2023, Basel, Switzerland

BaSyx Hackathon
October 2023, online

Biacore Academy
October 2023, Mainz, Germany

BioCHIP 2023
June 2023, Berlin, Germany

BIO-Europe 2023
November 2023, Munich, Germany

May 2023, Berlin, Germany

BMC Fachtagung »Digital und regional vernetzt: Versorgung der Zukunft im ländlichen Raum«
June 2023, Halle (Saale), Germany

Building Immune Digital Twins
May / June 2023, Paris, France

Cell & Gene Meeting on the Med 2023
April 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Cytiva User Day
September 2023, Leipzig, Germany

deRSE23 - conference for research software engineering in Germany
February 2023, Paderborn, Germany

Deutscher Rheumatologiekongress 2023
August / September 2023, Leipzig, Germany

DgfI Spring School on Immunology
March 2023, Ettal, Germany

DG-GT Theme Day on Manufacturing and Regulation of Gene Therapy Medicinal Products
April 2023, Langen, Germany

Digital Health Conference 2023
November 2023, Berlin, Germany

DLS-CCP4 Data Collection and Structure Solution Workshop
November / December 2023, Oxfordshire, UK

DMEA 2023
April 2023, Berlin, Germany

DPhG-Jahrestagung 2023 / Annual meeting
October 2023, Tübingen, Germany

e:Med Meeting 2023
October 2023, Berlin, Germany

e:Med Symposium: Metabolomics, Lipidomics, and Proteomics
March 2023, online

ESGCT Annual Congress 2023
October 2023, Brussels, Belgium

EURORDIS Open Academy School on Medicines Research & Development
June 2023, Barcelona, Spain

Expert-Circle »Update Therapieoptionen für hämatologische Neoplasien und solide Tumoren«
May 2023, Chemnitz, Germany

Expert-Forum 2023, CAR T: An Era of Innovation in Haematology
March 2023, London, UK

Fachsymposium des Gesundheitsjahr der Technologieallianz Oberfranken (TAO)
February 2023, Hof, Germany

Festival of Biologics Basel 2023
October 2023, Basel, Switzerland

Fraunhofer CIMD Summer School 2023
September 2023, Leipzig, Germany

Global Bioprocessing Summit and Exhibition
May 2023, Berlin, Germany

Glycolipid Meeting 2023
June 2023, Hamburg, Germany

Hämatologie SUMMIT
October 2023, Chemnitz, Germany

IGLD-Jahrestagung 2023
March 2023, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Immuno-Oncology Summit Europe 2023
June 2023, London, UK

Incucyte® User Group Meeting
June 2023, Heidelberg, Germany

ISCT 2023 Paris Annual Meeting
May / June 2023, Paris, France

Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie 2023
October 2023, Hamburg, Germany

Joint International Symposium KFO309/SFB1021 »Respiratory RNA viruses: from the laboratory to the clinic«
September 2023, Marburg, Germany

Leipzig Immune ONcology (LION) Conference
November 2023, Leipzig, Germany

November 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany

Molekulare Diagnostik und Immuntherapie in Hämatologie & Onkologie
April 2023, Lichtenwalde, Germany

NK2023:  20th Meeting of the Society for Natural Immunity (SNI)
September 2023, Oslo, Norway

Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence with real world patient data
October / November 2023, Berlin, Germany

Ostdeutsches Wirtschaftsforum
June 2023, Bad Saarow, Germany

PepTalk 2023
January 2023, San Diego, USA

PFIZER-Empfang »Alt werden – nichts für Feiglinge? Mutige Ideen für den Innovationsstandort Deutschland«
September 2023, Berlin, Germany

pharmacon Meran 2023
June 2023, Meran, Italy

PharmaForum 2023
March 2023, Mainz, Germany

PharmaLab 2023
November 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany

ScaDS.AI General Assembly Meeting
December 2023, Leipzig, Germany

ScaDS.AI Topic Area Kick-off »Life Science & Medicine«
April 2023, Lichtenwalde, Germany

SelectBIO Organoids and Spheroids Europe 2023
June 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting
April / Mai 2023, Dublin, Ireland

Spitzengespräch zu den Rahmenbedingungen für die Pharmaindustrie in Deutschland im Bundeskanzleramt
November 2023, Berlin, Germany

Spotlights der Mikro- und Nanotechnologie
October 2023, online

SPR User Meeting
April 2023, Ettlingen, Germany

Stammzellnetzwerk.NRW – 11th International Meeting 2023
May 2023, Aachen, Germany

Symposium »Automatisierte Dezentrale ATMP Produktionstechnologien – ADAPT«
December 2023, Stuttgart, Germany

Symposium on Biomaterials and Bioresponse
November 2023, Halle (Saale), Germany

The multifaced universe of alternative methods in the day-to-day experimental work
March 2023, online

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) European Chapter Meeting 2023
March 2023, Manchester, UK

Tumor immunology meets infectious diseases (TIMID)
July 2023, Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany

Tumor Immunology meets Oncology (TIMO)
April 2023, Halle (Saale), Germany

Workshop »Advanced Cell Culture Technologies«
March 2023, Vienna, Austria

Workshop des AVATAR Konsortiums »Die Balance finden: Nutzung und Anonymisierung von Gesundheitsdaten«
September 2023, Jena, Germany

ZEIT für Forschung
October 2023, Berlin, Germany

Zoonoses 2023 - International Symposium on Zoonoses Research
October 2023, Berlin, Germany

Zusammen für GvHD-Patient*innen - Leben rechtzeitig verändern
Nürnberg / online