Next-Generation Diagnostics


For the control of quantity, quality and integrity of RNA and DNA samples, which can be isolated from various starting materials, the following equipment is available

  • DeNovix
  • Qubit
  • NanoDrop
  • BioAnalyzer
  • Thermal cycler
Agilent BioAnalyzer
© Fraunhofer IZI
Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer

Three different instruments are available for performing next-generation sequencing. Depending on the experimental requirements, they allow a flexible number of samples as well as a scalable data output.

  • NextSeq 2000, Illumina 
    Application: sequencing of human genomes and transcriptomes as well as single cell sequencing
Illumina NextSeq 2000
© Fraunhofer IZI
  • MinION, Oxford Nanopore Technologies 
    Application: sequencing of long DNA fragments e.g. for rapid pathogen diagnostics
Illumina MiSeq
© Fraunhofer IZI
  • MiSeq, Illumina 
    Application: for sequencing of smaller genomes (e.g. bacteria, viruses) and amplicon-based sequencing

Equipment for single cell sequencing preparation

  • 10x Chromium Controller
    Application: microfluidic separation and molecular barcoding of cells
10x Chromium Controller
© Fraunhofer IZI
  • LUNA Automated Cell Counter
    Application: automatic determination of cell counts (living vs. dead)
LUNA Automated Cell Counter
© Fraunhofer IZI