- Freitag JS, Möser C, Belay R, Altattan B, Grasse N, Pothineni BK, Schnauß J, Smith DM. Integration of functional peptides into nucleic acid-based nanostructures. Nanoscale. 2023 Apr 12. doi: 10.1039/d2nr05429a. Online ahead of print.
- Glaser M, Mollenkopf P, Prascevic D, Ferraz C, Käs JA, Schnauß J, Smith DM. Systematic altering of semiflexible DNA-based polymer networks via tunable crosslinking. Nanoscale. 2023 Apr 11. doi: 10.1039/d2nr05615a. Online ahead of print.
- Mollenkopf P, Prascevic D, Bayerl T M, Käs J A, Schnauß J. Heavy water induces bundling in entangled actin networks. RSC Adv 2023, 13 (35): 24795-24800. doi: 10.1039/d3ra03917j
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- Elbalasy I, Wilharm N, Herchenhahn E, Konieczny R, Mayr S G, Schnauß J. From strain stiffening to softening - rheological characterization of keratins 8 and 18 networks crosslinked via electron irradiation. Polymers (Basel). 2022 Feb 4;14(3):614. doi: 10.3390/polym14030614
- Haendler T, Tutmarc C, Freitag J S, Smith D M, Schnauß J. Constraint release for reptating filaments in semiflexible networks depends on background fluctuations. Polymers (Basel). 2022 Feb 12;14(4):707. doi: 10.3390/polym14040707
- Issmail L, Möser C, Jäger C, Altattan B, Ramsbeck D, Kleinschmidt M, Buchholz M, Smith D, Grunwald T. Prefusion-specific antibody-derived peptides trivalently presented on DNA-nanoscaffolds as an innovative strategy against RSV entry. Frontiers in Virology (2022). doi: 10.3389/fviro.2022.994843
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- Spukti F F, Schnauß J. Large and stable: actin aster networks formed via entropic forces. Front Chem. 2022 Aug 25;10:899478. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2022.899478. eCollection 2022
- Elbalasy I, Mollenkopf P, Tutmarc C, Herrmann H, Schnauß J. Keratins determine network stress responsiveness in reconstituted actin-keratin filament systems. Soft Matter. 17 (2021), 14, Seite 3954-3962. doi: 10.1039/d0sm02261f
- Glaser M, Deb S, Seier F, Agrawal A, Liedl T, Douglas S, Gupta M K, Smith DM. The art of designing DNA nanostructures with CAD software. Molecules. 26 (2021), 8, 2287. doi: 10.3390/molecules26082287
- Händler T, Tutmarc C, Glaser M, Freitag JS, Smith DM, Schnauß J. Measuring structural parameters of crosslinked and entangled semiflexible polymer networks with single-filament tracing. Phys Rev E. 2021 Jun;103(6-1):062501. dx.doi.rg/10.1103/PhysRevE.103.062501
- Schnauß J, Kunschmann T, Grosser S, Mollenkopf P, Zech T, Freitag JS, Prascevic D, Stange R, Röttger LS, Rönicke S, Smith DM, Bayerl TM, Käs JA. Cells in Slow Motion: Apparent Undercooling Increases Glassy Behavior at Physiological Temperatures. Adv Mater. 2021 Jul;33(29):e2101840. Epub 2021 Jun 3.
- Smith DM, Keller A. DNA Nanostructures in the Fight Against Infectious Diseases. Adv Nanobiomed Res. 2021 Mar;1(3):2000049. Epub 2021 Jan 6.
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- Schnauß J, Schmidt BUS, Brazel CB, Senol D, Losert W, Anderegg U, Käs JA. Influence of hyaluronic acid binding on the actin cortex measured by optical forces. Journal of biophotonics (2020) Artikel-Nr.: e201960215, 9 Seiten.
- Siccardi S, Adamatzky A, Tuszyński J, Huber F, Schnauß J. Actin networks voltage circuits. Physical Review E 101 (2020), 5, 052314.
- Sinjari S, Freitag JS, Herold C, Otto O, Smith DM, Stöver HDH. Tunable polymer microgel particles and their study using microscopy and realtime deformability cytometry. Journal of Polymer Science (2020), Seite 2317-2326.
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- Golde T, Glaser M, Tutmarc C, Elbalasy I, Huster C, Busteros G, Smith DM, Herrmann H, Käs JA, Schnauß J. The role of stickiness in the rheology of semiflexible polymers. Soft matter 15 (2019), Seite 4865-4872,
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- Möser C, Lorenz JS, Sajfutdinow M, Smith DM. Pinpointed Stimulation of EphA2 Receptors via DNA-Templated Oligovalence. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018), Nr.19, 19 S.
- Sajfutdinow M, Jacobs WM, Reinhardt A, Schneider C, Smith DM. Direct observation and rational design of nucleation behavior in addressable self-assembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018. 115(26): p. E5877-5886. (open access)
- Lorenz JS, Schnauß J, Glaser M, Sajfutdinow M, Schuldt C, Käs JA, Smith DM. Synthetic Transient Crosslinks Program the Mechanics of Soft, Biopolymer‐Based Materials. Advanced Materials, 2018. 30(13): p. 1706092. (free preprint version)
- Oswald L, Grosser S, Smith DM, Käs JA. Jamming transitions in cancer. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 2017. 50(48): p. 483001. (open access)
- Schnauß J, Glaser M, Lorenz JS, Schuldt C, Möser C, Sajfutdinow M, Haendler T, Käs JA, Smith DM. DNA Nanotubes as a Versatile Tool to Study Semiflexible Polymers. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 2017. 128. (no free version available)
- Schnauß J, Käs JA, Smith DM. Contact-free Mechanical Manipulation of Biological Materials. in Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 2017 Springer Press. p. 617-641. (no free version available)
- Sajfutdinow M, Uhlig K, Prager A, Schneider C, Abel B, Smith DM. Nanoscale patterning of self-assembled monolayer (SAM)-functionalised substrates with single molecule contact printing. Nanoscale, 2017. 9(39): p. 15098-15106. (open access)
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- Glaser M, Schnauß J, Tschirner T, Schmidt BUS, Moebius-Winkler M, Käs JA, Smith DM. Self-assembly of hierarchically ordered structures in DNA nanotube systems. New Journal of Physics. 2016. 18(5): p. 055001. (open access)
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- Grunwald T, Issmail L, Ramsbeck D, Kleinschmidt M, Jäger C, Buchholz M, Smith DM, Möser C. Broad-spectrum antiviral drugs. WO2023281063A1
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- Smith DM, Möser C, Grunwald T, Issmail L, Jäger C, Kleinschmidt M, Ramsbeck D, Buchholz M. Biological and synthetic molecules inhibiting respiratory syncytial virus infection. WO2020212576A1